Saturday, November 6, 2010

30 for 30!!!

Well this is my last post before I start the "30 for 30" challenge with KendiEveryday ...Ironically, I think some of these pieces will appear in my challenge wardrobe (which I'll be posting later today), but that's okay :)

In other news, I'm taking the fiancee (still love saying that) on a special date tonight, so I'm thrilled to see him all dressed up. I'm sure you all will get to see those pics sometime soon too...

Super excited for this next month!!!
<3 Cambria

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

And Now to Your Scheduled Programming

Sigh. Yes, tis the Epic Fail Blogger again...the one who has only managed two posts in as many weeks almost, and one of them about wedding gowns :)

But I am still alive, and I do think about things ASIDE FROM my wedding...sometimes! For example, last week I thought a lot about the ancient kings of Hattusas, Mitanni, and Assyria as I prepared for my exams. And I thought about red pens and how much I like writing with them because I was grading tests. And I thought about missing Jessica since she doesn't live with me right now :(

Today, I thought about voting and Butterfinger ice cream. What about you?
<3 Cambria

Monday, November 1, 2010

Two Different Faces...

...but in tight places, we think and we act as one!
How about a Two For Tea Monday Special???!!

Flashback to freshman year...

We were just two gals, randomly selected to live together. Little did we know what
the future would hold for us!

we attempted to teach many a boy, the basics of swing dancing...

we baked and wore matching aprons!

we recreated this picture one too many times...

we shared a room and a closet...

annnnd...have taken several, attractive pictures together...

So, there's a small peek into life with Cambria and Jessica over the past three years...that's what I call a good time!

Also, this is me "not forgetting about the blogggg." I know I haven't been as good as C about posting...but, just you wait! Next semester is going to be...great.
Until next time,