Saturday, July 3, 2010

Vintage Photo Shoot--Jessica Edition

Oh my gracious Aunt Betsy!!! I'm finally in a place where my internet speed will allow me to log into Blogger and make a post!!! I know it's been over a month and I'm incredibly sorry...but I couldn't log in (let alone upload) at home. Been so busy working my bookstore job, this is the first time I've been able to update while I have high-speed access :)

So Miss Jessica and I had a FABULOUS and DAH-LING photo shoot with Miss Abigail Stranz just last week...finally took out our favourite vintage ensembles and hit up an old mill museum downtown. Such swell times! We did the entire thing in the rain (brava!) but had a blast posing and feeling fine forties-fifties style :)

Here are a few of the Jessica photos I like best...mine will be posted tomorrow...and I'll wrap up with some double shots later on. Hope you enjoy!


  1. I love it! :) And yes, I was missing your posts

  2. Hi! Found you through Weardrobe. Your pictures are beautiful!

  3. You have a new follower! This is an amazing photo shoot. You ladies are just lovely.
