Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy (late...) Valentine's Day!!




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Hello lovelies!
How was your Valentine's Day? Gosh, I just adore it...a day full of love, and cheesy messages, pink, and red, and sweethearts (never had one on Valentine's Day...but I would assume it would be something special! :) )
Also! Valentine's Day is DOUBLEY special! It's mine (Jessica) and my grandmother's birthday!

So, because it was Valentine's Day Cambria and I decided to dress like a Valentine and receive some interesting looks. But really? There is one day when you dress like this, so why not?
Cambria said I look like a piece of French mail, "mais oui?"



  1. Happy (belated) birthday Jessica!

  2. umm could you girls be any more adorable? no? I didn't think so. the red skirts are perfection!

    xo Chels

  3. you two look wonderful in your outfits! i love them both very much. aw.

  4. You two are so cute!! I love your blog! I can't find your e-mail, but I would love to ask you a question about potential guest post switching if you don't mind! I think it would be fun!!
    Let me know! -Katie

